Gebäude- und Immobilienservice S.A.
Facility Management
Gebäude- und Immobilienservice S.A.
tasks of planning
Facility Management signifies for the tasks of planning and controlling of the partially very complex services. These are carpets or intelligent access-control-systems, accounting systems and more. The focus of all efforts of Facility Managemet concentrates on the optimation of costs regarding the building cultivation. Facility Management considers the whole buildings phase of life: From the development phase to the pesecution phase to the
A lowering of the operating costs up to 30 percent be possible. This shall be reached by aimed planning, control and persecution of buildings and facilities.
Facility Management as a new approach to the immovable management
Nobody likes to spend money or accept, that first of all extensive investments has to be done, to stay lucratively over a long time.
Of course this is one of the reasons, why the development of Facility Management in Germany drops behind about years in comparison to other countries. But in this country we comprehend more and more , that Facility Management is not luxury but a necessarity, if one want to save persecution costs and save the rentability of a building or concern.
85 percent of the Life-Cycle-costs of an building arise in the utilisation phase, because of mortgage interest, hiring, insurances, taxes, energy, attendance, overhauling, building upkeep, industrial cleaning or security agency. After about four years with a service life of 20 years, the operating costs rise above the capital costs.
IT-application in the Facility Management
Cconsiderable values of many concerns, but also of the public authorities are hidden somewhere, lie waste and cause costs. The aim of Facility Management is to activate properties, buildings and technical facilities as useful resources.
Facility Management displaces the original building management
The term Facility Management (FM) is currently as a buzzword very famous.
It comes from the american. Facility means the whole material property of an organisation, which is of big importance to their existence and efficiency. Furthermore many internal service features, which do not affiliate to the core business (for example industrial cleaning, security agency, telephone exchange) are seen as matter of Facility Management.
Overall, Facility Management indicates all management-, support- and service feautures, which are considered as actions of an organisation.
Because of its blanket perception, Facility management is very different to the conventional building management, which basically only considers the features of the buidlings management and the general services.
Facility Management elevates the economics
Facility Management as an overall action contains planning, creation, persecution and the controlling of facilities with the aim to actualize generate saving potentials, to elevate the transparency of features and costs and to assure a fast and efficient allocation of accurate and mainly current information. Furthermore with the adoption of Facility Management, a optimated using, productivity and economics is aimed.
Facility Management is able to save 30 percent of costs!
Many ownerships and carrier in Germany are not enough aware of the fact, that already the most important decisions of the economic handling of an immovable or a facility are defined in the planning phase and that about 85 percent of an objects overall costs first develope in whose utilisation phase. Aktive Facility Management starts therefore already with the conception of the object. In terms of an optimal utilisation, there should be made an economic assessment of the object already in in the design phase, which should be repeated regularly over all phases of life.
If there is a lack of specialised knowledge within the organisation, it is advisable to involve betimes independent mentors in the disquisition and improvement of the economic master plan. A systematic conversion of Facility Management over an adequate space of time can cause significant cost saving. So, the german association of Facility Management estimates that because of Facility Management there is a cost saving potential up to 30 percent of the overall costs of an immovanle or facility.
Within the public administration there are big cost saving potentials
Because of the fraught household situation the cost pressure has constantly grown in all areas of public administration over the last years. Precisely in the communal property and building economy, there can be reached, often rapid, significant savings within the administration budget. Particiluarly by the differentiated utilisation of synergys and specialism vantages, by central service features (for example by the centralisation of the
maintenance- and disposal administration or the giving away of contracts to private cleaning companies) there can be activated cost saving potentials. The augmentation of the creation of value by a active portfolio management and the introduction if more efficient forms of organisation, are further important operational fields within the professionalization of the public building and facility economy.
Facility Management considers the whole life cycle of an object
Within the Facilicty Management, buildings and facilities are, because of their proprietary- and cost effectiveness, accretively seen as strategic ability resources, which has to be considered over the whole life cycle. This starts normally within the planning of the project, include both the technical execution and also the ongoing operating and ends with the tear-off or the revitalisation of the particular object.
Facility Management as a strategic concept requires therefore an integrative, holistically approach of internal service features, as well as of the whole material capital assets and let itself not reduce on the application of a software, outsourcing, contracting or benchmarking. In conjunction with the holistically application, the focus changes more and more from the pure achieving of function administration to a management concept, whose tasks is the enduring accretion of the object. Against this backgound it becomes clear, that the Facility Management is a challenging, interdisciplinary task, which encloses infrastrucural, mercantile and technical aspects.
Facility Management is more than outsourcing or benchmarking
Facility Management means the analysis and optimation of all processes which are relevant to costs regarding an immovable or a facility. For the notice of the resulting various task, there are diverse proved instruments and methods available. Beside a consequent analysing of quality, the outsourcing of Serviceprocesses to extern service providers (outsourcing) or the scientific comparison of cost – and efficiency structure of the own object with key figures of comparable objects (Benchmarking), the introduction of special software is, especially in the case of more complex objects, an economic instrument for the successful outworking of facility management.
Special software enables efficient Facility Management
So-called CAFM-Software (Computer Aided Facility Management) supports the execution,
coordination and documentation of the basic- and management services and facilitates thereby the strategic planning of the regarded object. This passes particularly on the background of a complete, non-redundant and current database, which can be available more rapid and reliably via a CAFM-system, than with a multiplicity of diverse non concerted software products or even on the basis of a manual data acquisition.
CAFM-software can be figured individually
The applications of CAFM-software are very different. CAFM enable, besides the complete
acquisition of the facilities database also their utilisation planning, the space management and the replanning of infrastructural elements as well as the interception of circular maintenance work or the planning and control of restructuring-, extensions- and construction measures. Therefore with a CAFM-software it is also possible, to find the optimal solution on the basis of a computer-based simulation diverse scenarios for a restrucuring measure, in consideration of various basic conditions, as well as to provide by a rapid and flexible allocation of controlling-datas (for example degrees of efficiency, analysis of inventory or use of resources) complete and current decisions backgrounds according to a special object, fot the management.
In addition to these standard functions, there are diverse use-oriented special functions possible, like for example consequent temperature control of cable lines, which decisevely may reduce the fire risk in these areas.
AFM-software copes also with complex objects
The acquisition of CAFM-systems is particularly adviseable for organisation, whose infrastructur has got more complex forms and whose large properties, constructions and facilities are arranged on various locations or big areas. Already mainly industrial concerns, maintenance and disposal corporations, puplic facilities (for example hospitals, universities) as well as carrier of large transport facilities like airports or stations, use the CAFM-systems.
It depends on the points of intersection!
To cope with the various requirements, a capable CAFM- application has to be geared interdisciplinary and must include beside technical also mercantile and infrastructural matters. The outcome of this is the necessity of mercantile and technical interfaces for the existent systems, building services engineering, and planning software. Basically a CAFM-system can be actualised by associating the systems and methods ( for example graphical standards, ERP-software, Databases) which are already established in an organisation, to a consistent user interface. Oftentimes because of an intelligent software architecture (Middleware) a investment protection compared to older existant systems, is enabled.
Many Producer of standard software meantime offer own apllication moduls for the Facility Management, for example Aperture or SAP with its answer „Real Estate“.
CAFM-systems should be user-friendly
A CAFM-system consists in general of a graphical software or a CAD-system (Computer Aided Design) and a Database. Thereby a connection of numbers-, text- and image information was enebled, which allows a user-friendly and intuitive handling of the software. In that way with special CAFM-sytems it is for example possible to create the display of definitive supplementary files in a information window, by facile clicking on the object in a graphic and therefore gain detailed data parallel towards the graphical overview information.
The range of products should result from the basis of an adoption concept.
The assortement of the adequate software-product could be difficult because of the constant market dynamic and the different cost and business activities of the several providers. Therefore the aimed utilisation of external Know-hows in the form of punctual integration of a product and producer independant consulting company, is at that point also advisable. A software-comprehensive consulting organisation is an important precondition to a productive CAFM installation, because the acquisition of a CAFM-system, cannot be considered isolated from the already exsistant concepts, methods and tools of an organiation. In this context there should be developed a integration concept, which fits adequately to the needs of the particular organisation. This concept includes significant descriptions of the relevant processes, interface requirements, favored operating system as well as task desciptions and requirements specification to the CAFM-system.
To the coverage of a frictionless system installation, a integration of a representative prototype to the existant infrastructur is advisable, on which basis the required functionalities and the handling with the system can be checked.
The choice of an adequate IT-partner can be determining
An estimation of the economy of the CAFM-systems acquisition is affected by many factors (for example the degree of dispersion of the properties, technical intensity of the facilities, the occurrence of changes in the economic processes).
Particularly the utilisation of the cost saving potentials are mainly important. In any case the early creation of a interdisciplinary project team for the development of an economic custody and the integration concept, is advisable.
The selectet external partner should mainly be allocated by the vector independence, command the necessary interdisciplinary professional competence and should be able to realise the integration of the CAFM-system professionally, beside the initial management consultancy.
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